Wednesday, March 11, 2009

2009 Arnold Classic-Ms International

Hello Everyone....

The experience once again at the Arnold Classic was a great one...I consider this show to be the best on the IFBB calendar where the athletes are treated at their best. Its a show that most of the IFBB professionals would love to receive an invitation to compete but only 14 or 15 women are chosen each year.....As usual Iris Kyle was pheonominal. I worked very hard to give my best performance but having undergone surgery on Dec 4 with four (4 )weeks to recuperate my body was not responding the way I thought it would have but having signed my contract and accepted the invitation to compete I gave it my best shot and decided I will do the show knowing that I was not at my ultimate best and I was awarded 12th place. I always go into these shows detaching myself from the outcomes such as winnings but enjoying to the fullest knowing that I have given it my all and not taken any short cuts to get there.

Instead of resting to do another show later in the year I decided that I will compete at the Species IFBB Women's Professional Bodybuilding Chanpionships in conjunction with the IFBB New York Mens Professional Bodybuilding Championships and the IFBB Men's 202 on May 16, 2009 . The venue is the Tribecca Performing Arts at BMCC, 199 Chamber Street, New York City. I am working very hard on regaining my 2005 win. So far the body is responding beautifully...I cannot tell you that I will conform to what the Judges are looking for to crown their ideal female bodybuilder but I will come in sharp, full muscle bellies and as hard as I possible can...if they choose me all good and well....if they don't so be it...I will still be happy with my accomplishment knowing that I did not take any short cuts to get there.

I hope everyone comes out and give their support to the athletes.

I want to thank everyone for being so supportive of me

Stay tune.....I will keep you posted on my progress.

God Bless each and everyone of you.




Anonymous said...

you are the best and I do mean the very best you keep on doing what you do' cause' I love it. and I love you


Oh my Rose what a beautiful back . Wow you are so sexy just a superb physique . I love it.